IPL Photo-facial
The Intense Pulse Light Photofacial procedure is designed to transform the appearance of red, pigmented skin to help you achieve a beautiful, radiant complexion. If you are tired of living with wrinkles from sun damage, sun spots, rosacea, or hyperpigmentation and you are looking for a safe and effective treatment, the IPL Photofacial delivers consistent results every time!
How IPL works:
IPL, also known as photo rejuvenation, is a nonsurgical procedure that delivers a spectral range of light that targets imperfections and penetrates deep into the skin. These high energy light waves are used to reduce or eliminate many common effects of aging, including facial wrinkles and skin discolorations. It smooths skin, improves texture and eliminates blotchiness. When the pulsed light is applied to the surface of the skin, it goes deep into the tissue. This stimulates a purging response causing the skin to remove dead cells and tissues, naturally. IPL™ light also encourages the production of collagen, a natural protein that fills in wrinkles, making the skin smooth and supple. After the IPL treatment, freckles, sunspots, age spots and other skin problems will work their way to the skin’s surface. Dark pigments, blood vessels and blotchy skin will fade quickly, paving the way for healthier, younger looking, rejuvenated skin. Over time, IPL will reduce scars, wrinkles and other cosmetic problems. Once removed, the existing cells are restimulated so they can produce new, healthy skin.

What Skin Problems are Treated With IPL Photo Facials?
IPL photofacial resurfacing treats a variety of skin conditions. The IPL photo facial skin treatment addresses hyperpigmentation (brown spots from sun damage and age), rosacea, freckles, and broken capillaries. An IPL photo facial stimulates collagen and elastin formation in the skin, and also tightens pores. Post treatment, the skin’s texture will show a significant difference. Two weeks after treatment, the skin will be smooth, radiant and new.
Why choose us?
Our Palomar StarLux™ Pulsed Light Therapy offers an “intense pulsed light” (IPL) device that delivers energy to targets and destroys vascular and pigmented lesions. Some of these lesions and conditions include facial, neck, and chest telangiectasias or “broken capillaries” (such as those seen with Rosacea). IPL also eliminates tan or brown “sun spots” and sun damage on the face, neck, chest, arms, legs and “cherry angiomas” of the face and body. A “photofacial” using the StarLux™ Palomar IPL is a noninvasive rejuvenation of your skin using the remarkable and effective technology of Intense Pulsed Light. An IPL photofacial can significantly improve the signs of sun damage, along with the overall appearance of your face, hands and chest. Virtually any part of the body with sun damage, or uneven pigmentation can benefit from a photofacial skin treatment. A photofacial involves directing short pulses of visible laser light over the surface of the skin. This frequency of light focuses on certain skin imperfections such as age spots, fine lines, tiny capillaries, and redness due to rosacea, as well as general skin irregularities. The best thing about the Intense pulsed light system is that, instead of having to use a separate laser to focus on each of these problems individually, they can be treated all at once with the Intense Pulsed Light photofacial. This saves treatment time and cost for the client.